Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Welome back, its been almost a year

exploring is what those guys in ROF do, and so also, on our Radar we have lots of  explorers like FNC.V,
FPX.V, NRN.V, that were / are involved in.

Action is seriously heating up in the BC PM explorers, as assays come back and EVENTUALLY are are sorted out into press releases, good, bad n indifferent for the markets to sort out..  Some of them are showing "Head-Fakes" of seeming to be bad BEFORE they ACTUALLY release them, a reverse pump and dump. I think
DEC.V is in that group.

Monday, January 18, 2010


who are not members nor read any major message posts, should if they wish their NO VOTES tallied, please contact Serge Brunete at a   dedicated email account for that purpose:  This msg is brought to you as a service of the RING Of FIRE Mining Camp Blog, in the interest of facilitating fair offers freely arrived at, for all shareholders in Ring Of Fire Companies, and specifically FREEWEST Stockholders.

Stock in companies who would fail to realize their value in finance and stock markets are the ones who suffer most, when the Investing Public fails to become fully aware of their share in the profits available to them.

Explorers in the RING of FIRE have found  deposits chrome, copper, nickel, paltinium, diamonds, palladium, gold and silver that bear serious investigation to determine their true value, which, IMO, would be prematurely terminated by immediate acquisition. I find myself more in favor of joint development but that is not a model often used, but worthy of consideration.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

QSC letter, posted for the FREEWEST FREE OFFER MOVMENT

Readers, and FREEWEST shareholders are free to send this letter to the QSC, concerning two major issues surrounding this attempted acquistion:

Quebec Securities Commission
800, square Victoria, 22
e étage
C.P. 246, tour de la Bourse
Montréal (Québec) H4Z 1G3
Phone: 514 395-0337
Fax: 514 873-3090

Elsewhere : 1 877 525-0337

Bureau de décision et de révision en valeurs mobilières/Hearings
Me Cathy Jalbert Lawyer
500, boulevard René-Lévesque Ouest
Bureau 16.40
Montréal (Québec) H2Z 1W7
514 873-2211
RE: Freewest Resources FWR TSX.V
Dear Sir, Madam:

We are a large group of FWR shareholders who have recently formed The FWR Fair Offer Movement also known and herein referred to as FFOM.

We come before you and request that you redress the following two complaints:

1/ We have not been provided, with an independent valuation of our companies assets in a timely manner, rendering us unable to make a proper decision as to their disposition.

2/ The company attempting to acquire FREEWEST, has in violation of a “HOLD STILL” period, acquired substantial shares to vote in their own interest.


1/ Provide that an idependent valuation of shares, in the form of a NATIONAL INSTRUMENT 43-10 be in the hands of all shareholders a minimum of 30 days before any voting can be tallied or decision to dispose be arrived at thru a vote of said shareholders.

2/ Prohibit the voting of any FREEWEST shares acquried by CLIFFS
their partners, officers of allies AFTER November 22, 2009

Specifying the procedures and conditions above will allow a free and fair vote equitable to all parties, bestowing no unfair advantage upon either.

Pursant to discovery of a world class, possibly the largest and purest deposit of chrome ore in the world, we have requested and been denied
a through and independent evaluation of this deposit, in spite of two competeing offers by other companies for FREEWEST Resources.
We believe that fair play requires we have this submitted for our use long before we are required to make a decision upon the disposition this deposit and possibly the entire company

This deposit is described by Ont. Minister Grazelle, as not only World Class, but also comparable in value to the Sudbury deposits, in terms what richness and jobs and development they will bring to Northern West Ontario. By Cliffs own calculations, they advertised that they would add $1.5 Billions dollars$$ per year to their bottom line sales, between 50 and 100 years.

OUR FURTHER COMPLIANT IS THAT Cliffs “ did improperly and likely unlawfully exercise 6.9 Million shares on Dec 11/2009 at a price of 60 cents,
In light of the HudBay Minerals VS. Lundin Mining, acquiring or excercising warrants to acquire AFTER an offer, friendly or hostile, during a HOLD STILL period then in effect, is in fact, wrong and illegal, according to the HudBay precendant case.

The facts are that this occurred AFTER CLIFFS made an offer to FWR of 90 cents,and therefore have “hold” period to Mar 30, 2010…Also on December 01/2009, Cliffs also was awarded/excersised an additional 7, 375,000 shares of FWR at 45 cents, and therefore it has the same “hold’ period.. Since no funds not already in FREEWEST's treasury have been spent on ”proving up” more discoveries in FWR properties, we see the only pointof that placement as giving CLIFFS more share tovote upon acquisition on of FREEWEST. WE know they sent 400 assays for PGEs, wew know they drilled and found Ni CU Pges but not a single word about all these new findings….The vote on said Cliffs offer is scheduled for Jan 25, 2010., and they will vote those 14 + million shares for their own interest.

Therefore our complaint is that Management of FWR ais withholding very important information about our “true value” and that certainly cannot stand…Their first duty is to FREEWEST SHAREHOLDER.

The second Complaint as outlined above deals with the voting rights of these very recently acquired 14, 483 millions of shares…which as outlined below in FWR News Releases have a hold period until March 2010. But more importantly, the law has now been established in the Matter of Hudbay minerals copied bleow,with regards to these cases . .
that HudBay has agreed to vote the 19.9% of the common shares of Lundin acquired by it pursuant to the private placement, in favour of the Transaction. In our view, HudBay has a different, and potentially conflicting, interest in the outcome of that vote, relative to the other Lundin shareholders. In our view, having acquired those shares as part of a private placement connected to the Transaction, HudBay should not, as a matter of principle, be permitted to vote them in favour of the Transaction.”
In the same way in this case Cliffs has potentially conflicting interest in the outcome of this Cliffs vote, relative to other long time FWR shareholders, since on average only paid less than 50 cents for these new shares, on a private placement directly connected to this transaction…In this Cliffs should NOT be allowed , as a matter of principle , should not be allowed to vote these shares in favor of their agreement with FWR.

Unlike HudBay, we are raising this Cliffs “voting shares” issue now, so as to inform the Courts that we are totally against this so called agreement with Cliffs, and that we strenuously oppose Cliffs voting said 14 Million plus shares for their own Offer, in which we FWR shareholders had absolutely NO say in it at all.


F. Additional Comment: HudBay Voting of Lundin Common Shares
[49] As an additional comment, we note that HudBay has agreed to vote the 19.9% of the common shares of Lundin acquired by it pursuant to the private placement, in favour of the Transaction. In our view, HudBay has a different, and potentially conflicting, interest in the outcome of that vote, relative to the other Lundin shareholders. In our view, having acquired those shares as part of a private placement connected to the Transaction, HudBay should not, as a matter of principle, be permitted to vote them in favour of the Transaction.
[50] We recognize in expressing this view that it is probably a foregone conclusion that the Lundin shareholders will approve the Transaction regardless of whether HudBay votes those shares. This issue was not raised in the Application and, accordingly, was not addressed by any of the parties in their submissions. We are not making any order or determination based on this matter; we are simply expressing our view.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Thats not polite to use those words in public, might scare the horses......!!!

BIDDING WARS !  Yes Virginia, someone actually said that out loud in this article @ :Reuters "BIDDING WARS" article.

  A brief scan and read of the M & A activity for the last year, would indicate that "Daddy" CLIFFS might be in for rough sledding even as much snow as they have in Webeque, Ontario, as they try to lay in enough votes to take down FREEWEST RESOURCES.   CLIFFS is clearly bigger than FREEWEST, but like a possum getting ready to grab some nestlings out of a tree over bayou, a possum is so bigger, but the Bayou is BIGGER, and harbor to hawks and alligators so any misstep will not only loose them this prey but perhaps cause the possum to be eaten.   Now no one expects CLIFFS to pay possum but if there is one group not playing possum its the FREEWESTFAIR OFFER MOVEMENT, which is working on
closing in on enough votes to send CLIFFS Back to the drawing board as the move to secure mining assets heats up.  No one knows what will happen if CLIFFS fails to get the giant chromite deposit of Black Thor, but we do know FREEWEST will go one exploring, since apparently there is a ' Beast of a Nickel Deposit" directly in their area.  Whether its copper, nickle, platinum, palladium, chrome, diamonds, gold, silver or other stuff that is held in the Iron Triangle grip of FREEWEST, FANCAMP & Big Daddy JV, the action in the
RING is catching FIRE
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CLASSICAL ECONMIC'S, - ECON 101 -> Historically speaking

Classically in economic's, once a commodity or mineral became MORE AVAILABLE, its uses and markets expanded. Therefore uses for STAINLESS will expand and their [ CLIFFS ] marketing and promotion will help the steelmakers expand the stainless makets. Maybe ships will be next? Imagine a use for stainless that has as yet not been developed due to the economic penalty for using it. Everyone wants to use MORE Stainless, not less but so far, competition from other materials has been one factor holding it back. With the exploitation of BLACK THOR that will begin to change, IMO,

Given all of the above, it is quite possible that obtaining the BLACK THOR and maybe associated deposits, could over time, help CLIFFS double its financial size and power, IMO.

So many things in economic history have expanded markets as it became cheaper and available, th at it seems unlikley that this will perform in any differing fashion.

Remember the "DeLoran", that stainless skinned car? Maybe plastics will remain better. Hard to emphasize how much steel shipping uses, imagine the tonnage of plate? No doubt technological challenges would arise, but of course that is what engineers of all kinds live to resolve. Humanity moves forward, inexorably.......  As with the chart above, as the blue line moves to the right, and the supply of stainless increases, the demand for it will increase also if we graph the price.............thats my idea of what could happen here.  CHROME, Stainless, steel, all steelmaking minerals.  Cliffs has coke, coal, iron pellets,  Soon it could have all the components to suppy the stainless steel Markets.  Cliffs Natural Resources.   Freewest Resources, Spider Resources, KWG Resources, Probe Mines and FANCAMP Exploration all have the necessary stuff for cliffs to do that with.  Lets see who gets offers.............
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Sunday, January 10, 2010

What is happening, what it means

Norilsk (Krasnoyarsk kray), flagImage via Wikipedia
Norilsk I mine (medvezhji Ruchei, 'Bear creek', 6km south of Norilsk)
Atokite Bornite Cooperite Godlevskite Millerite Platinum Sphalerite Stannopaladinite Taimyrite Vysotskite.


Large intrusions such as in the Norilsk almost always have an extrusive component. This means the magma breaks the surface. Not far from Norilsk this happened. Here you see the impressive Putorana mountains. A tremendous formation of basalt, which takes about 1 hour to fly across. Rivers and ice eroded over 600 meter deep canyons in this so called basalt trap.

OK so here is what we have, and what we know:

News Release for drilling on BIG Daddy, Jan 7, 2010


Neil Novak, President of Spider Resources Inc. states: "We are extremely pleased with the consistency of the drill results we are receiving from the Big Daddy Chromite Project, that are all typically in excess of 40% Cr2O3 over very good widths. The discovery of the nickel mineral godlevskite is intriguing, particularly as its' source is considered proximal to Big Daddy, perhaps within only a few hundred metres."

A sample of the sulphide mineral selected for petrographic analysis was determined to contain an alteration assemblage of minerals including godlevskite (Ni9S8) along with veining of mackinawite ((Fe,Ni)9S8). Dr. James Franklin (director of Spider Resources Inc.) states: "This is a very low-temperature assemblage, and probably represents hydrothermal transport up a shear system from a more substantial Ni accumulation", Dr. Franklin continues "this explains the very high Ni contents, as it contains nearly 60% Ni."

Another part of the SPIDER NR reads : "- Hole 33, after passing through 11.0 metres that averages 40.29% Cr2O3, entered a narrow nickel sulphide filled fault zone that averages 2.74% nickel, 0.12% cobalt and 1.04 g/t Pt+Pd over 1.0 metres. A sample selected for petrographic analysis as determined to contain a low temperature alteration assemblage of minerals including godlevskite along with veinlets of mackinawite which infer a possible nearby primary nickel source."

Discovers pentlandite in its discovery hole in 2007.

Godlevskite and pentlandite found in orebodies.

Pentlandite found in discovery hole

   So now the SPIDER - KWG - FREEWEST Joint Venture which contains Big Daddy, has a suspected complex that contains godlevskite,and indicates it may flow into a terminal resorvoir of nickel, either in the that series of claims, or Freewest, or Probe, or Fancamp.   Now CLIFFS has 19.9% of KWG, none of SPIDER, and some of FREEWEST, but knows exactly all the metalurgy that has been ongoing with FREEWEST's  claims.

  Logically speaking, it is more likely than NOT that the Nickel is traced.  To the East, the length of the claim to the east is about 1 KM, so the Nickel could be the "beast to the east" or "go west".  While I cannot discern any actual transit routes, given the NE to SW direction of the layout of the chrome deposits, IF the Nickel lie in the same trending, it could well end up on Fancamp's Claims.  All guesswork at this point, unless you have the inside track with a geo or diamond driller out there in the James Bay Lowlands Bush.

   By this point I think it reasonable to assume that all the Majors are sitting up and paying close attention, as
well as CLIFFS is no doubt tuned into FREE  WEST RADIO, and getting a looud and strong rejection signal.

   Whats it going to be:  Copper ?  Silver?  Chrome ? Diamonds ?  Nickel ?  Platinum ?  Palladium ?  I guess there has not yet been any coal, phosphates, oil, nat gas, or potash discovered there yet, but needless to say, none of that would surprise me.

  Who knows what :  Every major, every resource writer, all the juniors and staking stampeders, all know what has been revealed as found in the diamond drill cores.   At some point the "Voisey's Bay Syndrome" of not entering competing bids will fail to hold, and just like OPEC, the guys who want the advantage the most will start the bidding for all these companies.

   What we know:  That there is a lifetime deposit of Chrome on FREEWEST property.  We know that the same minerals discovered in Voisey's Bay, and Norilsk are present in the RING of FIRE.   We know that Neil Novak, pHD, CEO of SPIDER, thinks that there is a source of nickel "nearby", refering to hole#33.

   As a speculator, rather than a geologist, as a strategist, rather than a fundamental analyst, I would say the leading Prospects here, are Probe, Freewest, KWG, Spider & Fancamp, for finding Nickel and other minerals in economically feasible quantities and situations, here in the RING of FIRE.  My guess is that there is much lots of volume here as the BIGS start to move into this area to hedge their bets long in the metal sector.  All but FREEWEST are dark-horse candidates, but quite intriguing.

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Saturday, January 9, 2010

Today they call them Explorers, in the past they called them STAMPEDERS

as they followed from strike to strike, trying to lay in the BIG CLAIM, once DISCOVERY CLAIM had been hit.

   In this case, since Voisey's Bay attracted all kinds of people from presidents to pond life, its not surprising that many who missed in VB, were determined to hit the NEXT BIG ONE.

    A very experienced Geologist once said to me, "When they take the core out, sometimes the specimen is too obvious to be able to hide what it is."  And at that point, you know the word is out ! ! !

  I am exactly sure that is what ran thru Richard Nemis's mind when he saw the core containing Pentlandite from the hole of  the Double Eagle Strike "THIS IS THE STUFF THEY FOUND IN VOISEY's BAY ! ! ! "

  Now that SPQ has pulled a core of "GODLEVSKITE" from its latest sampling that is located within several hundred meters of the surface of Big Daddy, their JV with FWR  & KWG, they noted its rich nature, as it could contain a maximum of 64% Nickel  ->  Look here :Web Mineral Site.  This mineral is found in Norilsk, as was Pentlandite, [ 34%  Nickel][ which alerted Prospectors Sparks and Verbiski  in VB], as well as the Texmont Mine now owned by Fletcher Nickel which shares some people with KWG.

  Here is the part of the release that is going to make things a bit more interesting:

"- Hole 33, after passing through 11.0 metres that averages 40.29% Cr2O3, entered a narrow nickel sulphide filled fault zone that averages 2.74% nickel, 0.12% cobalt and 1.04 g/t Pt+Pd over 1.0 metres. A sample selected for petrographic analysis as determined to contain a low temperature alteration assemblage of minerals including godlevskite along with veinlets of mackinawite which infer a possible nearby primary nickel source."

    Well it is obvious we have some very, very intense minerization, some of which is found in Norilsk and Voisey's Bay, and its OUT now, so I wonder if we dont soon see the RING Catch FIRE.

    So, chrome, nickel, copper, platinum, palladium, gold, silver and diamonds are all found in proximity to the RING of FIRE, as well as FREEWESTS huge find, BLACK THOR, BLACK LABEL and now the Joint Venture holding BIG DADDY of SPIDER, KWG & FREEWEST, is tracking a river of nickel.  We really have no idea what might happen next............
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