Friday, November 27, 2009

Pretty Pictures - WOWZER where is that volume from?

I think the volume shows the interest in the ROF happenings. As much as I think the CLIFFS deal for FREEWEST is under-priced now, I was pleasantly surprised to see the MASS volume that materialized, and not surprised some of it was PNP, but hey. I think another holder noticed that the stock always surged up when it dropped to 62. I dont think these guys went in looking at 8 cents, that would go against their nature. I also dont think they want CLIFFS stock either.

PROBE is off on a MASS volume tangent also, which, I am sure part of is simply retail speculation, but I am thinking is not all RETAIL. No proof yet, but its the kind of thing you get hunches about.

Funny, the old saying is "Buy on the Rumor, Sell on the News." which basically says that once the news is confirmed it is of no use in driving up the stock.

Rumors, although impossible to verify or pin down, are in fact sometimes hints and clues and other times bait like the Red Herring in a misdirection play. I dont hear much in the way of rumors but I do pay attention. Seems to me any source of Intell can be evaluated to see how good it might be. Seems senseless to ignore any Intell without evaluating it.