Saturday, November 28, 2009

G'Man's contributed Article on Chrome Deposit

This is an article submitted by a FREEWEST Shareholder. His hope is that “RING of FIRE Mining Camp Blog” become a clearning house for FREEWEST shareholders considering the merits of the current offers on the table from CLIFFS RESOURES and NORONT RESOURCES. I think his article contains a lot of basic information important to anyone investing in “The RING”, and so applies widely to others than FREEWEST, NORONT, or CLIFFS. I have editted it for space, but tried to maintain the spirt of his meaning.

“I ask all visiting here who know FWR shareholders to tell them about this site : .”

“....I am not in favor of either offer (yet)[italic's by editor] for my FREEWEST shares...... but I will try to simplify.....”

“CHROMITE -.... seperates within large bodies of magma. The Great Dyke, in souther Rhodesia is
about 550 KM long by 3-10 KM wide. The Kemi Deposits in Finland are a rock 15 KM long by 0.3KM – 2 KM wide.” “....the magma that has chromite, has platinum group metals, some gold, and and nickel, and copper as well as a very small percentage of the total mass.”

“Nickel -Copper “ “....Like oil and water, the Nickel and Copper drop out of the magma solution and get dammed up on the sloping sidewalls of the magma chamber.”

“Chromite... could settle ouot in a gravitational setting near the base of the chamber....
could drop out from silica contaimination as pure crystals.....
selective crystalizaton can put them on walls.....
pressure changes also play a placement of crystalization.....

thick layers mean the condition persisted for a long time[forming crystals].....”

“Platinum Group Metals .....also are concentrated in layered intrusions. Narrow one [ 1 ] meter bands ...they go for long distances....” “ There have been some excellent assays of platinum metals in the ROF....” “...KWG did some assays on their cores → here
are the links to their press releases about them:

“....Other ROF companies have had interesting results for Platinum Group Metals.”


The Ring of Fire is an area of “Magmatic Segregation Deposits” of : Copper, Nickel, Chromite,
and Platinum Group Minerals.
The known Chromite deposit of FREEWEST on the NE to NORONT on the SW is about
15-20 KM.

Other sulfide deposits have been located in nearby properties, not all from Magma, in the ROF.

The distribution & concentration of Platinum Group Minerals is not yet known now.

What we know NOW;

This might be scientific guesswork, containing errors or omissions but it is herein in the sprit of clarity and information that I write and publish this.

The Chromite deposits of FREEWEST, NORONT & KWG are supposed to be subject to
NI 43-101's published before the end of 2009, but there appears considerable slippage in this date.

CLIFFS RESOURCES accepts as reall 30 years production @ 2 Million tonnes per year for
the FREEWEST Deposit. They show this production into 800K tonnes of Ferro-Chrome for 80 cent
a pound for a REVENUE of 1.4 Billion Dollars per Year from this deposit.
CLIFFS estimates their capital expense [ CAPEX ] at 800 Mil plus 400 for the RR, whomever builds or funds it.”

EDITOR NOTE: In the conference Call CLIFFS did, concering the PROFIT margin in this deposit
one of the CLIFFS officials in the meeting when pressed suggested that at the CURRENT TAKE OUT
price and the Current CAPEX, that from the 1.4BILLION REVENUE, the gross cost of producing that 1.4 Billion revenue would be, and I quote “ IN THE LOWEST QUARTILE”, leaving 1 BILLION or more as NET REVENUE for this deposit.

Part of “G-Man”'s movtivation was to attempt to help FREEWEST stock holders decide what to
do. Here I will upstage him and day, with the current CLIFF's offer rated at costing CLIFF's about
150 Mil.,and say that with the first year's PROFIT rated at about 1 BILLION, the next offers for
FREEWEST's chromite deposit should change by an ORDER OF MAGNITUDE. Given the nature of bidding, the low ball abusive mergers we have seen due to the “Financial Crises”, etc, etc, etc,
ad nausem, the actual bid for FREEWEST's CHROM DEPOSIT should ratchet up to 1 Billion divided by by the total diluted shares of FREEWEST which I estimate at 215 Million. You do the math.

That is if the bidding stays rational. Bidding may end under or over that number. All involved know the mechanic's and behaviours. So far there are six weeks in the next window [ approximately ] to a FREEWEST shareholder vote. If FWR shareholders do the math and come up with 1 BILLION divided by 215 million shares, and come up with a value for the CHROMITE alone at $4.65 @ share,
I dont think the deal will be approved.

Lots of time, plenty of bidders and the action is just heating up as the ground cools down for the winter drilling season in the RING of FIRE. Its getting HOTTER in the RING of FIRE.

Thanks to Anon. from Stockhouse for the quoted article.

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