Saturday, November 28, 2009

Ring of Fire is a hot topic, Globally

As the hits keep coming, Globally, logically since this the world has shrunken a lot.

Basically "The RING" is under and around the "ONTARIO" on that map, in a rough sense.

Summarizing, most of the readers of the very unscientific but interesting polls

HOLD Noront & Freewest the most, the rest of the others about half as much.

THINK Xstrata will be the next bidder by a 3::1 margin over the 2nd, which is VALE

WOULD HOLD a Major Major Miners stock by 2::1 over those not wishing to/undecided

FEEL the next Target company will be KWG, then PRB, then NOT, SPC & FNC.

RING of FIRE Mining Camp Blog is about the development of this camp and the companies within it , past, present and future. You are invited to take part, submitting articles and information we hope will add to the growth of the camp by adding to the easily available information base NEW INVESTORS to the Camp will want
as they decide to look around.

I have put the websites of the best known companies on the links and solicit contributions for materials to assist. Presentations and YouTube clips or links can also be listed.

The current ongoing" BIG THING" is the development of Chrome in the southern half of "The RING". We have the DeBeers mine "VICTOR" to the east and the "Musselwhite" mine of Gold Corp, to the west. The mineralization is all around, and at some point, the "CAMP" could extend in every cardinal direction. There are enough existing & developing or re-worked mines to indicate this area may be underlain by much more mineralization.

Reported in quantity are Nickel, Copper, Platinum Group Minerals, Chrome and as yet what else, I am not aware of. Anything else can also be covered here, as it as likely as not that "The RING" has more to offer for mineral exploitation.

Until modern technical prospecting means gave us the clues to look deeper, it was all unprofitable moose pasture. A lot of it will always be moose pasture, the gods be thanked, especially if you like moose, wilderness, northern lights, and and all that goes with northern living. Proximity to markets as shown on the map assure that now found, and with the initial reason [ large quantities of ingredients for stainless steel ] discovered and being defined, the infrastructure required to develop a mining camp will come. Probably soon.

Economics drives politics which then attempts to shape economics. The items in the matrix of mineral development are many, and complex, but if the economics weren't there, this Camp would not be developed. The economics ARE in place and the Camp WILL be developed regardless of where they might be transported, refined or consumed.

So far only the Juniors and one Mid-Tier MAJOR have shown their first card. That leaves a lot of hands unshown and unseen now. Since time and tide wait for no one, more will come out as the clock ticks. The first part is like a form of Dutch Auction, where the offered price is lowered increment by increment until the FIRST bidder gets the prize - with every price tick downward the tension increases by leaps and bounds, until BINGO, someone can stand it no longer, and no one knows when that might be. Lest the prize gets away from them, the bidding will start. That awareness that the game is afoot is spreading amongst ROF stockholders. Its also much on the minds of the lurking bidders. STAY TUNED.

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