Sunday, December 6, 2009

Now that was fun ! Its the HOLIDAYS, so lets sing

THE TAKE-OVER SONG which goes as follows:

"One the 12th week of TAKE-OVER, the RING of FIRE gave to me, 12 Juniors staking."

Now that one sounds like fun. Let see there was Rudolph, Prancer, Dancer, Donner and OOPS wrong song,. It is Freewest, Spider, Kwg, Probe, MacDonald, UC, Temex, Hawk, Baltic, Northern Shield, UC and Fancamp. Wow what an assortment !! And not even a complete list, right. Now who did we leave out? Noront? Well they are in the RING with a really huge land position.

Ok, so now, they have STAKED. And drilled. And assembled assays. So now what do we have? In real terms we have 10 years of boots on the ground. Ten years of exploration and drilling. What do we have? Diamonds? No, just signs. Copper? Yes significant signs. Nickle, same. Gold, silver? Well maybe some. Platinum group minerals and elements ? Yes we have lots of that showing.

So far there is one "Stand-Alone" deposit, that holds the potential for economic development now, and as the game progresses it now holds the extremely important spot of FIRST TO BE DEVELOPED. No doubt the other elements folded into this will come out in the fire also, to be sure.

This first deposit is truly an "ELEPHANT" and we can only eat an elephant one bite at a time. I seriously doubt we are past the 2nd bite yet,and so no one really knows its potential future pricing, as every parameter used in figuring the current deal is based on the lowest, most conservative values. We are also neither in Manic 2007, or at the peak of the steel market, both of which are coming again, IMO.

Interestingly, Probe & FNC are keeping pace with FREEWEST, while, SPQ, KWG, NOT, TME and BMK are holding their ground in spite of the TSX downturn.

With offers from CLIFFs and NORONT, FREEWEST is in new high ground for multi-year highs, extremely bullish and yet with a still good head of steam underneath it, perhaps indicating the market expects more, as in the 2nd round of a 15 round Headliner Match. Probe is exactly mimicing FWR while FNC is very positively related. As a rule, its understandable why interest is rising in the rest of the RING, but yet curious why KWG and SPQ are not showing the same zest as FREEWEST. Curious.

Just like when you field dress a big animal weighing tonnes, there is a lot left after the first steak. Stay tuned. I think I hear some big predators on the prowl out there. I cant see it clearly but I can hear them moving around.