Sunday, December 6, 2009

Poll Results

In short -> 56% of the responders think that the next "Big Thing" is not yet known !

44% think that the Next Big Thing is already known.

88% want CASH, the rest, Participation.

Respondents want the explorers to look for Chrome, PGE,s & CU / NI

No one thinks FREEWEST is over priced.

I think that most of these reults weren't surprising at all.

Again, I go back to the responders / readers being informed and aware. !

As you see I composed the first verse of the "12 WEEKS OF TAKE-OVER", which I repeat here : " On the 12th week of Take-Over, the RING of FIRE gave to me, 12 Juniors staking."

The RING is hot, getting press at BNN, FORTUNE, and a number of other mainstream venues, plus the serious Mining Journals and Publications. Given Ontario's huge size and huge mineral wealth, it IS surprising to see HOW LARGE a Mining Camp might
develop from these activities, as you have the DEBEERS VICTOR Diamond mine on the EAST, the GOLDCORP MusselWhite Mine on the WEST, and lordy knows how many deposits to the SOUTH. Probably the whole thing is OPEN TO THE NORTH.

Now those who have traveled in the Arctic, Africa, or places say other than Europe, you must get used to mind-numbing distances, that seemingly arent shown on the map, you are the victim of the "Mercator Projection", which describes its features in this quote from Wiki :"Like all map projections that attempt to fit a curved surface onto a flat sheet, the shape of the map is a distortion of the true layout of the Earth's surface. The Mercator projection exaggerates the size of areas far from the equator. For example:

* Greenland is presented as having roughly as much land area as Africa, when in fact Africa's area is approximately 14 times greater than Greenland.
* Alaska is presented as having similar or even slightly more land area than Brazil, when Brazil's area is actually more than 5 times that of Alaska.
* Finland appears with a greater north-south extent than India, although India's is the greater..

So now we know why it takes SOOOO long to go places that dont look that BIG. OK

So now we know the distances. Nakina, Ontario, on Route 11, is probably 200 miles S.of the RING, in basically unroaded territory. Bulk minerals whether concentrated or not will require heavy rail transport to infrastructure facilities at Nakina, Thunder Bay or Sudbury. Rail thru territory like this has been accomplished by strong but not heroic efforts where RAIL was the only heavy transport option. Ontario, Canada's Federal Government and numerous First Nations communities are committed to reducing poverty through good jobs. So far plans for human facilities in Northern Ontario are on the Agenda of all three of these groups, therefore lending a strong positive dynamic for development of the mineral assets in the RING of FIRE. Balanced against the distances, the human imperative seems to be to more forward especially where there has been successful precedent.

Right now the RING of FIRE is a HOT development just opening the tiniest tickle in the consciousness of investors and manufacturers in Ontario and Canada. It can only get bigger.

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